
Installation of Pr. Kristin-Luana and Pr. Olaf Baumann on February 24, 2024

As members of the body of Christ in this place and time, we are a welcoming congregation of people who gather to worship God, to share life together, to grow in love for each other and to be shaped by God’s Word, with the purpose of living out God’s love and being a sign of God’s loving and forgiving presence in our community and world. We hope you will join us!

Sunday, January 12, 2025 – Baptism of Our Lord

10:00 am Worship

This Sunday, Pr. Kristin-Luana is the presider, and Pr. Olaf is the preacher. Here is this week’s Sermon News:


Image Credit:

Image Credit: Zelenka, Dave. Baptism of Christ, from Art in the Christian Tradition, a project of the Vanderbilt Divinity Library, Nashville, TN.

Sunday, January 12, 2025, Baptism of Our Lord

The sad truth is that too many people cannot believe that God loves them.

Too many people believe that God only loves them if they do this, that, or the other thing, because why would God love someone without getting something in return. Love against obedience. Grace against good works. Tit for tat. Deal making, that we understand.

But God’s love is so deep and so freely given that it defies human understanding. There is no human equivalent to agape, the divine love. Divine love is such a challenging concept that it even requires its own word; agape.

The purpose of the sacrament of baptism is to ensure that you know, understand and feel the love of God in the waters of baptism. The sacrament is a gift of love. God always draws near to us, so that God’s love turns us away from sin and gives us the desire to share God’s love with the world. All people need to know that God loves them and that God’s love has no end.

Come and experience God’s love for you at Our Savior Lutheran Church, 745 Front Street S, Issaquah, this Sunday, 10 a.m. and on YouTube.

– Pr. Olaf

Click the “Worship With Us Live” logo above to worship online with us, and click the buttons below to view the bulletin and the hymns and follow along.

Baptism of Gavin Jost

We will also baptize Gavin Jost during worship service on Sunday, January 12 and welcome his family as OSLC members. Congratulations!

Time Change for Knit-In: THIS Monday, January 13

On Monday, January 13, the Knit-In will meet at 3:00 p.m. (instead of 4:00 p.m.) in the Narthex. We’ll start installing our knitting on OSLC’s trees along Front Street S.

Men’s Group: Wednesday, January 15

The second gathering of the Men’s Group will be next Wednesday, January 15 at 7:00 p.m. at Flying Pie Pizzeria, 30 Front Street S, in Issaquah (near the Dollar Tree store). This time we’re trying this pizzeria (one of many places you suggested).

Pastors Out of Town: Sunday, Jan. 19-Saturday, January 25

Pr. Kristin-Luana and Pr. Olaf Baumann will be in Pittsburgh, PA attending their doctoral program from January 19-25. Pr. Larry Thomas will preside and preach at worship on Sunday, January 19. During the pastors’ time away, Pr. Krista Johnson (of Mt. Si Lutheran Church in North Bend) will be providing emergency pastoral care. Her cell phone is 206-473-7460.

National Day of Racial Healing Online Event: Tuesday, January 21

Join the ELCA on Tuesday, January 21, 8 a.m.-12 p.m. Pacific time (10 a.m.-2 p.m. Central time) for a free, online event to observe the 2025 National Day of Racial Healing (NDORH). Presented by the ELCA in partnership with Augsburg Fortress Publishers, this educational event will feature worship, workshops, music, and guided reflection while centering the voices of ELCA leaders of color. Our exceptional lineup of workshops and speakers was designed to raise awareness of the need for racial healing and to inspire collective action toward building common ground for a more just and equitable world. The free event is open to all ELCA rostered ministers, lay leaders, and members. . . . We look forward to your joining us on Jan. 21. Learn more at ELCA.org/NDORH and register today!

– From an email sent by Judith Roberts, Senior Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, ELCA

Communion Services at Timber Ridge

Here are the upcoming dates for the services at Timber Ridge Retirement Community:

  • Thursday, February 6, 2:00 p.m., led by OSLC at Timber Ridge

String Teachers Using OSLC Classrooms Downstairs

You will see Issaquah Suzuki Strings and other string teachers and their students around more often in the months to come, as they lost their teaching space at Hammond Ashley Violins because of the bomb cyclone. They are teaching in the classrooms in our basement now.

Becoming Better Stewards: Composting and Recycling

Please check out the bulletin board in Anderson Hall that shows what items are good to go into recycling and compost bins, and what items need to go into the garbage. Please use the bins below the bulletin board—blue for recycling, green for compost, and black for garbage to dispose of items correctly. Also, green compost bins are now in the bathrooms for paper towel waste. Thanks!

Sunday         January 12

10:00 a.m.      Worship and Gavin Jost Baptism (Sanctuary and online)
11:00 a.m.      Coffee and Fellowship Hour

Monday         January 13

3:00 p.m.       Companions Bible Study (online)
3:00 p.m.        Knit-In and Installation on Trees (Narthex and Outside)

Tuesday        January 14

1:00 p.m.        Community Meal Prep (Kitchen)
7:00 p.m.        Executive Committee (Online)

Wednesday  January 15

7:00 p.m.        Men’s Group at Flying Pie Pizzeria (30 Front Street S, Issaquah)

Thursday      January 16

9:30 a.m.        Mission Quilters (Anderson Hall)
1:00 p.m.        Community Meal Prep (Kitchen)
7:00 p.m.        Finance Committee (Online)

Sunday         January 19

10:00 a.m.      Worship (Sanctuary and online)
11:00 a.m.      Coffee and Fellowship Hour

Each time you give your regular offering, you are ensuring support for your church community and the work Jesus calls us to do.  Whether making offerings when you worship each Sunday, or with a check via postal mail, or giving online using the “Electronic Giving” tab above, together we move forward as God’s generous, caring, supportive people—doing the work Jesus calls us to do! Warmest regards from your Stewardship Committee.

Prayers Your prayer requests are important to us. Requests for prayers can be taken by email or phone, and will be added to the weekly worship bulletin, Prayers of the People, and staff prayers. Email [email protected], or call 425-392-4169 and leave a message with your prayer.

Emergency Pastoral Care

For emergency pastoral care, please contact Pr. Olaf Baumann at 360-912-1830 or [email protected] or Pr. Kristin-Luana Baumann at 360-912-1245 or [email protected].

Permanent link to this article: https://oslcissaquah.org/