Whimsical Textile Winter Art Installation – upcycled textiles, knitted and crocheted yarn form “sweaters” that wrap the grove of trees in front of Our Savior Lutheran Church on Front Street – made in collaboration with Issaquah Arts (January 2025)
As members of the body of Christ in this place and time, we are a welcoming congregation of people who gather to worship God, to share life together, to grow in love for each other and to be shaped by God’s Word, with the purpose of living out God’s love and being a sign of God’s loving and forgiving presence in our community and world. We hope you will join us!
Sunday, February 9, 2025 – Fifth Sunday after Epiphany
10:00 am Worship
This Sunday, Pr. Kristin-Luana is the presider and preacher since Pr. Olaf will be presiding at Sammamish Hills Lutheran Church. Here is this week’s Sermon News:
February 9, 2025, Luke 5:1-11 All Shall Be Filled, Not Only Some
“I am staring at the empty net in my hands. I had just pulled it in, water dripping in a constant beat on my clothes and my naked feet. Rivulets of water are swirling on the bottom of the boat. But no fish. No wriggling masses of silvery bodies flapping and flopping. Not a single one. I feel a soreness in my bones. Suddenly, even the empty net is too much for me to carry and I drop it. It falls to the ground with a dull thud.”
Have you ever tried to imagine what that might feel like to come home after a long night of fishing with no catch at all? This is what happened to Simon, just before Jesus calls him to join the movement. Come and continue the journey of imagination this Sunday at Our Savior Lutheran Church, 745 Front St S in Issaquah and on YouTube.
Pr. Kristin-Luana
Click the “Worship With Us Live” logo above to worship online with us, and click the buttons below to view the bulletin and the hymns and follow along.
2025 OSLC Women’s Retreat – Friday, March 7 – Sunday, March 9 at the Rainbow Lodge in North Bend
Registration is now open for our annual retreat! Click the button below for more information and to download the Women’s Retreat Registration form. Only 45 spots available, so don’t wait to sign up! Final registrations and payments must be in by the end of February. Questions? Reach out to Marilyn C. through the church office.
More Help Needed for Coffee Hour
Each Sunday, two people are needed for coffee hour (for the coffee and treats). Lately, it’s been a struggle to get two people so coffee hour can happen smoothly. The long-time kitchen group is no longer able to keep doing this regularly. More helpers are needed to keep this going. Please sign up on the sheet next to the kitchen door. Thanks!
Winter Art Activation
Knitters have begun installing their colorful scarves on the church’s trees (see above). This yarn art installation—along with lights—is a bright spot for travelers on Front Street South. Knit-Ins will continue on Mondays through February 10 at 4:00 p.m. in the Narthex.
Melodies of Love: A Valentine’s Recital by David Liu: Next Sunday, February 16 at 4:00 p.m.
Next Sunday, February 16 at 4 p.m., our talented Parish Musician David Liu will offer a free piano recital in the sanctuary. We hope you can attend “Melodies of Love: A Valentine’s Recital” to hear our beautiful new Schimmel piano in concert. It should be an amazing musical event. Hope to see you there!
Upcoming Book/Bible Study Course Starts in Late February: One Day I Wrote Back
Jane Herring, one of the cohort members of the doctoral program the pastors are pursuing, has written One Day I Wrote Back: Interacting with Scripture through Creative Writing (92 pages). It is a six-session book study/bible study course that invites people to engage the bible through writing. Pr. Olaf will facilitate the introductory meeting on Sunday, February 23 at 11:30 a.m. and six sessions in Anderson Hall at noon on Thursdays, February 27-April 3. Every week, the book invites you to read three scripture passages and Jane’s reflections. She provides some guiding questions and some writing prompts. During the meetings there will be time to write and to share insights, writings, and questions. More details are available on our Christian Education page, in the February Focus, and in the handout available in the narthex.
Fundraiser for Head for the Cure to Support the Fight Against Brain Cancer
Melinda N., daughter of member Cheryl N., encourages you to learn more about brain cancer and support the fight against it:
“I will be walking in the 5K Head for the Cure event in Newport Beach, CA on March 8, 2025 with some of my family and friends to help support the fight against brain cancer and directly support my medical treatment facility. Below is the direct link to my team ‘The Talking Brains’ fundraising page. Thank you in advance for any help, or even just awareness you can bring to this disease. https://impact.headforthecure.org/team/631485”
Becoming Better Stewards: Composting and Recycling
Please check out the bulletin board in Anderson Hall that shows what items are good to go into recycling and compost bins, and what items need to go into the garbage. Please use the bins below the bulletin board—blue for recycling, green for compost, and black for garbage to dispose of items correctly. Also, green compost bins are now in the bathrooms for paper towel waste. Thanks!
Sunday February 9
10:00 a.m. Worship (Sanctuary and online)
11:00 a.m. Coffee and Fellowship Hour
Monday February 10
3:00 p.m. Companions Bible Study (online)
4:00 p.m. Knit-In (Narthex)
Tuesday February 11
3:00 p.m. Community Meal Prep (Kitchen)
7:00 p.m. Endowment Committee (Online)
Sunday February 16
10:00 a.m. Worship (Sanctuary and online)
11:00 a.m. Coffee and Fellowship Hour
4:00 p.m. Melodies of Love: A Valentine’s Recital by David Liu
Each time you give your regular offering, you are ensuring support for your church community and the work Jesus calls us to do. Whether making offerings when you worship each Sunday, or with a check via postal mail, or giving online using the “Electronic Giving” tab above, together we move forward as God’s generous, caring, supportive people—doing the work Jesus calls us to do! Warmest regards from your Stewardship Committee.
Prayers Your prayer requests are important to us. Requests for prayers can be taken by email or phone, and will be added to the weekly worship bulletin, Prayers of the People, and staff prayers. Email [email protected], or call 425-392-4169 and leave a message with your prayer.
Emergency Pastoral Care
For emergency pastoral care, please contact Pr. Olaf Baumann at 360-912-1830 or [email protected], or Pr. Kristin-Luana Baumann at 360-912-1245 or [email protected].