Youth Event: Coffee and Compline, Jan. 20

complineCoffee and Compline is an annual youth event that has become a favorite tradition at OSLC. This event is open to middle schoolers and high schoolers. On Sunday, January 20th OSLC youth in grades 6-12 are invited to coffee at Starbucks and then to St. Mark’s Cathedral for their Compline service. We will meet at OSLC at 7:00 p.m. and head to Seattle. We stop by a coffee shop for some fellowship and a beverage. Following that we head over to St. Mark’s Cathedral for their Compline service. ( There is no charge for this event, but youth must have an activity release form completed to go.

So that we can plan correctly for the number of youth attending, please RSVP by signing up on the sign-up sheet posted on the bulletin board by the youth room or sending us an email. Questions? Contact Craig Gillin ([email protected]) or Pastor Ryan ([email protected]).

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