Family Series on Financial Sanity, Jan. 8, 15, 22 & 29

creditcardkidJoin us for Financial Sanity an important four week series in January (Jan. 8, 15, 22 & 29 from 6:00-7:30 PM) that will help you talk about money with your kids and infuse faith into all the ways they share, save, and spend. Each week, a free meal is provided, and an excellent participant workbook will add depth to your engagement. All children and youth who are age 7 or older are encouraged to participate. Childcare is available for the younger ones. Visit to take a peek at the program. Participants in the series will each receive a workbook. There is a suggested $20 donation per family for the series to help us with the costs of the materials. Please confirm your family’s attendance and let us know how many are in your clan by calling (425-392-4169) or emailing ([email protected]) the church office.

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