Tuxes and Tiaras is a community event led by the Issaquah Food and Clothing Bank and Issaquah School District High School PTAs. OSLC will be the host – Friday, May 4th from 3pm-7pm and Saturday, May 5th from noon-5pm. This fun and free event is open to students attending a dance at Issaquah, Liberty, Skyline or Gibson Ek High Schools. Students will shop for dresses, tuxedos, shoes and accessories with the help of a personal stylist. School dances are some of the most important memories for high school students – Tuxes and Tiaras helps make each school dance special for each student.
Thursday was setup day, so here are some photos of our hard work and all the beautiful dress and accessories!
If you know anyone in need of a dress or tux for prom, tell them to come on down!
- Creating the shoe display
- Dressing rooms in the Education Room
- More of the dressing room area
- Shoes!
- Purses!
- Shawls!