In Home Worship – Sunday, October 4, 2020 – Eighteenth Sunday After Pentecost

Dear Our Savior Family and Friends,

As we face new challenges around the COVID-19 pandemic, our busy autumn schedules are well underway. Fortunately we have learned new things about how to stay connected through technology. We are pleased that this Sunday our worship video features The Rev. Bishop Shelley Bryon Wee, preaching, bishop of the Northwest Washington Synod-ELCA. Here is your link to this Sunday’s worship video October 4th—Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost. Please avail yourself of the following service bulletin (available here) to participate fully from home and find additional resources.

You are also invited to participate in our “Drive Through Communion” event this Sunday morning at Our Savior in the parking lot. Please arrive between 10:30 and 11:30 am. Or you may participate in a “Virtual Communion” by Zoom at 12:00 noon. (Zoom login information has been included in our weekly email announcements.)

Thank you for staying connected as we find new ways to be the church, active in the world, but without being able to gather in our building during Washington State’s “Stay home-Stay safe” mandate.

Be Well and of Good Cheer,

Pastor Jim

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