9am – Bible Study
9:00am Sunday Morning Education Hour: A Study of Galatians Join Pastor Vaswig for Adult Education Hour on Zoom this Sunday. The book of Galatians is thought to be the first of Paul’s letters, an astonishing text written to a community who had forgotten or simply neglected the very message of freedom the Apostle had originally proclaimed. The book remains ever so pertinent to our lives as Christians living in the 21st century. So join us via Zoom:
9:00 AM Study of Galatians with Pastor John
Link: <https://zoom.us/j/97225570244?pwd=NitqV3FiUGJqanZVNlNXYlcxRVVRUT09
Meeting ID: 972 2557 0244
Passcode: Bible
Dial-in: 253-215-8782
Note: Beginning next Sunday, May 23rd, you can choose to join the Bible Study in-person in the fellowship hall, or continue to watch via zoom. Per Phase 3 guidelines, small group gatherings for ministry & community meetings within the building will be limited to 15 people.
10am – Worship Service

Use this link to Worship Live with us on Sunday morning. The accompanying service bulletin is attached here. Note: if you try the link prior to 10:00 am on Sunday, you may see a message “video unavailable.”
Unable to watch at 10am? Recorded live worship services can be found on the Our Savior YouTube Channel. If needed, pull down the menu under “Uploads,” then click on “Past Live Streams.”
Can we gather for worship at OSLC? No, not yet. Starting on Sunday, May 23rd, worship will be offered simultaneously in-person in the sanctuary and live-streamed, at our customary time of 10am. Per Phase 3 guidelines, the sanctuary seating limit during worship is 227 people.
Our congregation continues to follow the guidance of our State & Synod leadership for a gradual, safe return to our in-person life together.
In peace,
Pastor John L. Vaswig