In Home Worship – Sunday, May 26, 2024 – The Holy Trinity

10:00 am Worship

This Sunday, Pr. Olaf is the presiding minister, and Pr. Kristin-Luana is the preacher. Here is Sunday’s Sermon News:

Image Credit: Holy Trinity, Carving, Paszym, Poland, from Art in the Christian Tradition, a project of the Vanderbilt Divinity Library, Nashville, TN.

John 3:1-17, Nicodemus or How to Trust

Trust is difficult. Trust among people requires a leap of faith, a moment of vulnerability. Sometimes people disappoint us, even those close to us. Then we have to make the effort to trust again if we want that relationship to continue. Sometimes society disappoints us. Every email we get, every post on social media, we need to ask ourselves: Is this real or fake? Does this come from a trusted source, or from a scammer? It is not easy to trust. Especially now, when we all sense that the world is changing in ways which we cannot fully fathom.

But then there is this one message, which we cling to; this one truth, which is our foundation and which gives us the strength to continue, even when it’s hard; this own assurance which we can fully trust. Want to know what it is? Come this Sunday to Our Savior Lutheran Church, 745 Front Street S, Issaquah, WA and find out! Also on YouTube! See you there!

– Pr. Kristin-Luana

Masks are welcome but not required. Click the link above to worship online with us, and click the button below to view the bulletin and follow along. If you try the link prior to 10:00 a.m. on Sunday, you may see the message “video unavailable.”

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