In Home Worship – Sunday, June 9, 2024 – Third Sunday After Pentecost

10:00 am Worship

This Sunday, Pr. Olaf is the presider, and Pr. Kristin-Luana is the preacher. Here is Sunday’s Sermon News:

Image Credit: Adam et Ève [Adam und Eva] by Bounieu, Michel-Honoré (1740-1814) (Maler) – Herzog Anton Ulrich Museum, Germany – CC BY-NC-SA.

Genesis 3:1-13, The Blame Game

Today we read the beginning of chapter 3 of the Book of Genesis. The story of the forbidden fruit, which tempted Eve and Adam and led to their, and our, fallen state. The original sin which ended the first couple’s time in paradise and led to the beginning of human history in the world as we know it. This certainly is one of the most famous bible passages, among the top ten for sure, together with the liberation of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt and Christ’s birth, death, and resurrection. So, there is much that has been and can be said about this passage. But today, I would like to focus on what I will call the Blame Game, which Adam and Eve choose as response to God’s questions and challenges after God notices their changed behavior. Martin Luther wrote about this in his Commentary on Genesis (1545), and his insights are just as valid today as they were 500 years ago. Want to know more? Please come to Our Savior Lutheran Church on Sunday, 10 a.m., 745 Front Street S in Issaquah, WA and on YouTube.

– Pr. Kristin-Luana

Masks are welcome but not required. Click the link above to worship online with us, and click the button below to view the bulletin and follow along. If you try the link prior to 10:00 a.m. on Sunday, you may see the message “video unavailable.”

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