In Home Worship – Sunday, June 16, 2024 – Fourth Sunday After Pentecost

10:00 am Worship

This Sunday, Pr. Kristin-Luana is the presider, and Pr. Olaf is the preacher. Here is Sunday’s Sermon News:

The Mustard Seed

Jesus’ disciples confess Jesus as the Messiah. But what do they really mean by it? The Messiah, in Jesus’ time, was thought to be a powerful warrior who would fight the Roman Empire and bring back the kingdom of David. However, Jesus is not the warrior king the people expect, and he would also not resuscitate the kingdom of David. If you measure Jesus against the expectations of the time, Jesus is an utter failure. He didn’t defeat the Romans, but the Romans defeated him. They nailed him to a cross to make it absolutely clear that the only one who would rule the country now and in the future was the emperor in Rome.

Against this merciless juggernaut Jesus fights with farming metaphors, and in the case of the mustard seed story, similes. That does not sound very effective. However, today the Romans are a case for archaeologists. Their might is gone. But look at the text we just read. It is the same text the early church read in their house churches embedded in a liturgy which was very similar to what we do today. Now, almost 2000 years later, it still carries meaning. What can we learn from the mustard seed story today? Come and find out this Sunday at 10 AM at Our Savior Lutheran Church, 745 Front Street S, Issaquah and on YouTube!

– Pr. Olaf

Masks are welcome but not required. Click the link above to worship online with us, and click the button below to view the bulletin and follow along. If you try the link prior to 10:00 a.m. on Sunday, you may see the message “video unavailable.”

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