10:00 am Worship
This Sunday, Pr. Olaf is the presider, and Pr. Kristin-Luana is the preacher. Here is Sunday’s Sermon News:
July 14, 2024, Independence Day
Today’s Gospel Reading tells us about the beheading of John, the Baptist. This is a brutal and cruel story, showing us what is wrong with the world and her people. In contrast, Paul’s letter to the Ephesians brings God’s vision for the world alive. It is a vision of justice and peace in heaven and earth, where every creature belongs. I am attaching a print by Rev. Daniel Erlander (1938-2022) in which Erlander imagines this vision. I invite you to look at it often, especially when worries overwhelm you. This is what we are living for and working towards. So, do not be discouraged, keep God’s vision alive in your heart, and continue on the path of discipleship!
Hear more this Sunday, 10 AM, at Our Savior Lutheran Church, 745 Front Street S, Issaquah and on YouTube.
– Pr. Kristin-Luana
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