10:00 am Worship
This Sunday, Pr. Kristin-Luana is the presider, and Pr. Olaf is the preacher. Here is Sunday’s Sermon News:
John 6:56-69: Unity or Uniformity?
It is exactly the distinctiveness of our denomination that makes it possible for us to be in full communion with other denominations. We don’t lose ourselves in the concert of theologies. The ecumenical movement does not seek to create a unified theology that is so smoothed over that it works for all. To the contrary, one crucial purpose of the ecumenical movement is to acknowledge and celebrate distinctiveness, to foster respect among believers who believe differently, pray differently, and celebrate the Eucharist differently. Difference is no reason for disrespect or violence. Distinctiveness is not God’s call to some to force others to give up what they are and become something else. Too often have religious people tried to force their theology and piety on others. The result was never unity, but wounds that don’t heal for centuries.
Come and learn more about the difference between uniformity and unity this Sunday, 10 a.m. at Our Savior Lutheran Church, 745 Front Street S in Issaquah, and on YouTube.
– Pr. Olaf
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