10:00 am Worship
This Sunday, Pr. Olaf is the presider, and Pr. Kristin-Luana is the preacher. Here is Sunday’s Sermon News:
The Letter of James, Chapter 3: The Tongue is a Fire
The tongue is a fire, writes James in his round letter to the early church. Words are powerful. And sometimes it seems that lies are more powerful than the truth. In a quote attributed to Mark Twain (1835–1910), it is said: “A lie can travel halfway round the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.”
So, even before our times of the rapid spread of fake news on social media, rumors, lies, and gossip travelled fast and wide, and successfully destroyed reputations, livelihoods, and even lives. That has always been true, but the technical means available to us today through the world-wide-web and social media have greatly multiplied the effectiveness of lies, rumors, and propaganda. What are we to do with this, as Christians, especially in an election year? Do James’ warnings also apply to the virtual world?
Find out more this Sunday at Our Savior Lutheran Church, 10 a.m., 745 Front St S in Issaquah and on YouTube.
– Pr. Kristin-Luana
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