10:00 am Worship
This Sunday, Pr. Kristin-Luana is the presider and preacher since Pr. Olaf is still out of town. Here is Sunday’s Sermon News:

Image Credit: Christ and saints (All Saints) – KB, National Library of the Netherlands, Netherlands – Public Domain.
The Great Commandment, Mark 12:28-34
Our gospel reading for today is what we call ‘The Great Commandment’: Jesus formulates a guiding vision here. He puts our love for God and neighbor on top of all other commandments. The Great Commandment is like a house in which the other commandments find their place: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your being, and with all your mind.You shall love your neighbor as you love yourself.”
That does sound like a tall order! But truly, it is a consequence of God’s love for us. God’s love for us is the source from which our love for God and others flows. The Great Commandment firmly roots our thoughts, feelings, and actions in the foundation of love. Come this Sunday and find out how the 10 commandments help us to follow the Great Commandment. They are not meant to intimidate or threaten us, but to help us implement this vision of a loving and beloved world in our everyday lives.
On All Saints Sunday, we also remember our beloved family and community members who have died in the last year. We meet at Our Savior Lutheran Church, 745 Front Street S, 10 a.m., and on YouTube.
– Pr. Kristin-Luana
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