10:00 am Worship
This Sunday, Pr. Olaf is the presider and preacher since Pr. Kristin-Luana is serving as a substitute preacher at Mt. Si Lutheran Church in North Bend. Here is Sunday’s Sermon News:
Veterans Day
November 11th is Veterans Day. If anybody knows about the cost of war, it is the veterans.
On a recent travel, I took a shuttle bus to the airport, and it just so happened that all my fellow passengers were veterans. They all agreed whole-heartedly on one important point: there are no winners in war. Every war leads to the loss of precious, God-given life on all sides. And every victory by one side means that the other side experienced defeat and will seek to turn defeat into victory as soon as opportunity arises.
But before we take this vicious cycle for granted, let us remember that every enemy could also be a friend. This is true also within our country. We just elected our next president. The election led to a clear result. Nevertheless, the country still is ideologically divided. One half of the people celebrates, the other mourns. All are Americans. No half will suddenly disappear.
I hope and pray that we will eventually be able to see the face of a friend when we look at the political enemy. For far too long has the political discourse been dominated by hateful, dehumanizing words. And these words have led to murder and terrorist violence in our country.
Our veterans know the price of violence and war. They see the end of humanity on the battlefield. That experience stays with them. They carry that knowledge with them for the rest of their lives. When we ask people to serve their country as soldiers, we ask them to risk their souls, as well as their bodies. We ask them to sacrifice their humanity so that we can keep ours intact. Violence and war are not to be taken lightly.
Therefore, let us never forget: God’s vision for this world is a vision of peace. Enemies and friends alike are beloved children of God. God wishes all of humanity to thrive. We are called to keep God’s vision alive in us, and to proclaim it to the world. The kingdom of God is a place where:
“The wolf will live with the lamb,
the leopard will lie down with the goat,
the calf and the lion and the yearling together;
and a little child will lead them (Isaiah 11:6).”
– Pr. Kristin-Luana
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“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.”
– Teilhard de Chardin
Welcoming David Liu, Parish Musician: THIS Sunday, November 10
During this Sunday’s service, we’ll welcome new Parish Musician David Liu. At coffee hour at 11:00 a.m., we’ll celebrate his arrival with cake, and you’ll have the chance to meet him.
New Piano: Gift from the Estate of Arne Moen
This Sunday, you’ll see and hear the beautiful new Schimmel grand piano in our sanctuary; it is gifted by The Estate of Arne Moen. Arne and his family were long-time members and music enthusiasts. Arne’s generous gift allowed us to replace a piano that would not stay in tune, and it should provide us with decades of music and worship enhancement. In the near future, we’ll have a special dedication service on a day that Arne’s family can attend, and we hope you can come too. More details will be forthcoming. Many thanks to the Moen family!