10:00 am Worship
This Sunday, Pr. Kristin-Luana is the presider, and Pr. Olaf is the preacher. Here is Sunday’s Sermon News:
Image Credit: Daniel Csörföly (from Budapest, Hungary), Luther Rose, CC BY-SA 3.0 <http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/>, via Wikimedia Commons
Luke 3:7-18: What Do I Have to Do?
It is the age-old question: What do I have to do? What do I have to do to get blank?
What do you have to do to please your father? This can be a difficult enough question to answer with our earthly father. How much more difficult is it with our Father in heaven?
Over the centuries, many people had various ideas about what you had to do to please God. Martin Luther, when he was no Reformer yet, lived in a monastery. In the Middle Ages, a monastic life was seen as a highway to heaven. People had to live without sin to please God. Living in a medieval monastery removed the monks from the temptations of daily life. Their rap sheets would be shorter than those of regular people. Additionally, they spent their lives doing holy things, which would give them more credit for good works in the eyes of God, than a regular person could hope for. Hence, the assumption was that less sins and more good works would work in the favor of the monk when it came to God’s judgment.
Martin Luther had just one problem with this system. He did not know how many good works were enough. There really is no way to tell. You never know when you have all your ducks in a row. So, when you believe your eternal soul depends on you getting your ducks in a row, you have a problem. Martin Luther suffered greatly because he did not know if he pleased or angered God.
Luther’s struggle birthed Lutheran theology. Would you like to know what liberating insight helped Luther understand what he needed to do to please God? Come and hear this Sunday, 10 a.m., at Our Savior Lutheran Church in Issaquah and on YouTube.
– Pr. Olaf
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11:00 a.m.: Semi-Annual Congregational Meeting
During the Semi-Annual Meeting at Coffee & Fellowship Hour this Sunday in Anderson Hall, OSLC members will vote on two new Council members and thank the two members whose terms end on December 31. All members are encouraged to attend.
Final Day of Christmas Giving 2024
TODAY, Sunday, December 15 is the final day that Community Outreach Committee is collecting $20 gift cards for two purposes:
- Vine Maple Place, an organization that breaks the generational cycle of homelessness by working with single parents and their children, is asking for $20 gift cards from Safeway and Fred Meyer for parents to gift their teens to use to go out and visit with friends.
- Secondly, OSLC is collecting $20 Target, Safeway, and Fred Meyer gift cards to use when we get requests from our church members and the community for a little extra help. They can help purchase food, gas, medications, etc.
Please place your gift cards in the box next to the Christmas tree in the Narthex. Thanks for your generosity!