In Home Worship – Sunday, December 22, 2024 – 4th Sunday of Advent

10:00 am Worship

This Sunday, Pr. Olaf is the presider, and Pr. Kristin-Luana is the preacher. Here is Sunday’s Sermon News:

December 22, 2024, Mary, Mother of our Lord

Mary’s story did not begin at the moment of Jesus’ birth, and it doesn’t end at the moment of Jesus’ death. We are used to seeing Mary as the quintessential mother, but that was only part of her identity. She was a child, she was a wife, a widow, a worker, a housekeeper, a believer, a friend, a fighter for justice. For a time, she lived as a refugee in Egypt. It could be argued that her most important role was to be part of the founding generation of the Christian church, beyond raising Jesus. Let us dig deep into the biblical witness of Mary, Mother of our Lord, this Sunday, 10 a.m. at Our Savior Lutheran Church, 735 Front St. S, Issaquah and on YouTube.

– Pr. Kristin-Luana

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