10:00 am Worship
This Sunday, Pr. Kristin-Luana is the presider, and Pr. Olaf is the preacher. Here is this week’s Sermon News:

Image Credit: Elder Prophet at the Predella of the high altar at the subsidiary church Pesenbach, Upper Austria. Anonymous master (called Master SW), dated 1495.
February 2, 2025: “Why Prophets?”
In this sermon, I will introduce you to 7 biblical prophets and their messages. They all lived in different times and different places, so you would assume that their messages are different, too. But, no! Their message is always the same. What do they tell us? And why? And how come their kings and queens feel the need to persecute them, throw them into prison, or even kill them?
Come to Our Savior Lutheran Church this Sunday, 10 AM and find out! We are located at 745 Front St. S, Issaquah and can be found on YouTube, too. See you!
Pr. Olaf
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