Community Outreach Ministries

Issaquah Meals Program

The Issaquah Meals program is supported by over 25 dedicated volunteer groups from local faith communities, businesses and community groups who prepare and serve evening meals during the week. Volunteers from OSLC take a turn twice a month to help provide dinner for this program. For more information, contact the church office.

Community Outreach Committee

The Community Outreach Committee coordinates donations of designated funds and donations to organizations that work in our community. These non-profit organizations include Compass Housing Alliance, Issaquah Community Services, Issaquah Food and Clothing Bank, Issaquah Schools Foundation, and Congregations for the Homeless.

Click the button below for a list of volunteer opportunities.

For more information, contact the church office.

OSLC Mission Quilters

The Mission Quilters meet on Wednesday mornings from 9:30 am until 12:00 noon in Anderson Hall to make simple patchwork quilts that are donated to people in need. Quilts made by OSLC Mission Quilters are donated to Lutheran World Relief, and are then sent all over the world, frequently to countries following natural disasters such as earthquakes and hurricanes. Quilts are also given to OSLC graduating seniors, to Compass Housing Alliance, and our neighbors at the Issaquah Nursing & Rehabilitation Center. Mission Quilters welcomes new members. Don’t know how to sew? No problem! It’s not necessary to know how to sew or quilt to participate in this ministry. The group welcomes donations of fabric (preferably cotton) and clean used sheets. Donations to help with the cost of shipping and to buy supplies are also greatly appreciated. For more information, contact the church office.

Prayer Shawl Ministry

The prayer shawl ministry provides knitted or crocheted shawls to those who are hospitalized, sick or just need a hug! If you are interested in participating in this ministry, or, learning how to knit or crochet, contact Wendy Winslow through the church office. Yarn and patterns are available.

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