Each Sunday in Lent this year (February 26 through March 28), there will be a table in the narthex inviting the congregation to participate in our School Kits Project that the Sunday School kids and families are doing through Lutheran World Relief. Everyone is invited to learn about the kits and take a bag home to fill and return. The kits are simple to make, and the table will take folks through the process allowing them to make a kit at church and to then go home and make some more as a family. This is an opportunity for the Sunday School kids to participate in both service and education. Check it out at the narthex table this Lent. More information is available at www.lwr.org/getinvolved/schoolkits.
Mar 15
LWR School Kits Project
Permanent link to this article: https://oslcissaquah.org/2012/03/15/lwr-school-kits-project/