Author's posts
Jul 22
Bulletins from July 9th and July 16th
The webmistress failed to upload the last two weeks of bulletins – humblest of apologies.
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Oct 08
In Home Worship – Sunday, October 10, 2021 – Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost
10:00 am Worship In-Person: Welcome! We’re privileged to be in worship with one another; a privilege we hope to maintain. Per state guidelines, masks are now required indoors in public spaces. Please mask up, vaccinated or not. And please continue to be sensitive to physical distancing needs of others. Live Online: Use this link to Worship Live with us at …
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May 23
Laptops for Peru
Dear OSLC members, Our beloved missionary friends Henrik and Patty Christopherson will be spending two months in Peru and Ecuador this summer. They have received a request for a couple of laptops from Pastor Pepe of the Las Brisas congregation of Chiclayo. The laptops would be for two of his daughters, Katicsa (an OSLC scholarship …
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May 15
NEW Fellowship Events page
For info on current Fellowship events (such as our newly added Seattle Mariners game and the mid-week summer worship opportunities), visit the “Fellowship” tab on the main menu, or click the link below: Fellowship Events
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May 03
Tuxes and Tieras – Serving our community
Tuxes and Tiaras is a community event led by the Issaquah Food and Clothing Bank and Issaquah School District High School PTAs. OSLC will be the host – Friday, May 4th from 3pm-7pm and Saturday, May 5th from noon-5pm. This fun and free event is open to students attending a dance at Issaquah, Liberty, Skyline or Gibson …
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Apr 17
Tuxes and Tiaras – Donations and Volunteers Needed
Tuxes and Tiaras is a community event led by the Issaquah Food and Clothing Bank and Issaquah School District High School PTAs. OSLC will be the host – Friday, May 4th from 3pm-7pm and Saturday, May 5th from noon-5pm. This fun and free event is open to students attending a dance at Issaquah, Liberty, Skyline or …
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