Author's posts
Jun 25
Summer Worship Schedule
During the summer months, we gather for one worship service each Sunday at 9:30 am (May 25th through August 31st). We will be exploring the theme, “Following Jesus: Exploring the Sermon on the Mount”. We will also hold Midweek Community Campfires every Wednesday at Lake Sammamish from July 30th to August 27th at 6:30-8:30 PM. Join us for fellowship, food, music, and worship, …
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May 28
OSLC Picnic, Softball & Carnival
Tibbett’s Valley Park Field #2
Sunday, June 8, 2014 @ 12:30 PM
Everyone is invited to kick off our summer season at OSLC at our annual All Church Picnic, Softball Game, and Kids’ Carnival. Sausages, hot dogs, condiments, and beverages are provided. Bring a side dish or dessert if you like. This year, we will have a bouncy house and snow cone machine. Bring a glove if you want to play in the game. Make plans to be with us, and invite a friend!
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May 08
David & Goliath: Who is the Bully?
Check out the 2014 OSLC Sunday School Play, David & Goliath: Who is the Bully? Each year our Grades 1-3 Sunday School classes take several months to write a play together. Under the guidance of their teachers (Cheryl Hauser & Kristina Steffen), they select a biblical story and connect it to themes from their own lives. Watch the video, and feel free to share it with friends!
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Apr 07
Easter & Holy Week at OSLC
Come join us for Holy Week and Easter Morning worship at OSLC. From Palm Sunday on April 13 to the celebration of the Resurrection of Our Lord on April 20, the journey through Holy Week is both ancient and powerful. The most central story of our Christian faith is told through this week, and it is told through our participation together. Here are some details…
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Mar 29
Children’s Song for Palm Sunday (April 13)
During the worship services on Palm Sunday (April 13th, 8:30 & 11:00 AM), all children are invited to join in singing with the OSLC Chancel Choir. At both services, they will be invited to come forward and join in. In preparation, families simply need to sing this song, “Lift Up Your Heads,” through until their children have memorized it. The song is very simple and will be easy for any child to learn.
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Mar 27
OSLC Day Camp!
OSLC Day Camp & Jr. Day Camp take place August 4-8, 2014. Day Camp is for kids entering Grades 1-6 (Monday-Thursday 9 AM to 3 PM, and Friday 9 to 11:30 AM). Jr. Day Camp is for kids Ages 3-5 (Monday-Friday 9 to 11:30 AM). They are full of activities, games, crafts, and more. Registration for Day Camp and Jr. Day Camp is now open. Register before July 1 for early registration savings.
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Mar 05
Book for Lent: Simplifying the Soul
Each year at OSLC during the Season of Lent (begins on March 5 in 2014), everyone is invited to read a book together and engage in spiritual practices that enrich our lives individually and as a community. In 2014, our Lenten book is Simplifying the Soul, Lenten Practices to Renew Your Spirit (by Paula Huston). Huston is a Benedictine oblate who writes this book as an invitation for readers to declutter their minds, hearts, relationships and souls by trying out specific practices during the days of the Lenten season…
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