Join us this summer as we explore Paul’s First letter to the Corinthians where he addresses how Christians live together in community in a world that is unfriendly to the faith. This Sermon Series will consist of three parts: Part I: Education Join us on Sunday mornings at 8:45am between June 17th and July 29th …
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May 23
Laptops for Peru
Dear OSLC members, Our beloved missionary friends Henrik and Patty Christopherson will be spending two months in Peru and Ecuador this summer. They have received a request for a couple of laptops from Pastor Pepe of the Las Brisas congregation of Chiclayo. The laptops would be for two of his daughters, Katicsa (an OSLC scholarship …
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May 15
NEW Fellowship Events page
For info on current Fellowship events (such as our newly added Seattle Mariners game and the mid-week summer worship opportunities), visit the “Fellowship” tab on the main menu, or click the link below: Fellowship Events
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May 03
Tuxes and Tieras – Serving our community
Tuxes and Tiaras is a community event led by the Issaquah Food and Clothing Bank and Issaquah School District High School PTAs. OSLC will be the host – Friday, May 4th from 3pm-7pm and Saturday, May 5th from noon-5pm. This fun and free event is open to students attending a dance at Issaquah, Liberty, Skyline or Gibson …
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Apr 17
Tuxes and Tiaras – Donations and Volunteers Needed
Tuxes and Tiaras is a community event led by the Issaquah Food and Clothing Bank and Issaquah School District High School PTAs. OSLC will be the host – Friday, May 4th from 3pm-7pm and Saturday, May 5th from noon-5pm. This fun and free event is open to students attending a dance at Issaquah, Liberty, Skyline or …
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