Blessings to you, Friends and Family of Our Savior, This is the link for viewing our worship video for this Sunday, January 17—Second Sunday after Epiphany. The themes of the Sundays after Epiphany are designed to help us answer the question, “Who is this child, born in Bethlehem for the salvation of the world?” Today, the …
Category: Worship
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Jan 09
In Home Worship – Sunday, January 10, 2021 – Baptism of Our Lord
Christmas Blessings to you, Friends and Family of Our Savior, This is the link for viewing our worship video for this Sunday, The First Sunday after Epiphany, January 10—Baptism of Our Lord. The themes of the Sundays after Epiphany are designed to help us answer the question, “Who is this child, born in Bethlehem for …
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Jan 02
In Home Worship – Sunday, January 3, 2021 – Second Sunday of Christmas
Christmas Blessings to you, Friends and Family of Our Savior, We are continuing into the new year using the same worship format that has worked for us since April. Our celebration of the miracle of Christmas can be found by connecting to this recording for the Second Sunday after Christmas: January 3—Second Sunday of Christmas. …
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Dec 19
In Home Worship – Sunday, December 20, 2020 – Fourth Sunday of Advent
Advent blessing! This is the fourth and last Sunday of Advent, the season to wait patiently for God to again enter our lives with power. The angel’s announcement to Mary is our model for patience and faith. You may click on this link to view the worship video: December 20th — Fourth Sunday of Advent. …
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Dec 12
In Home Worship – Sunday, December 13, 2020 – Third Sunday of Advent
Dear Our Savior Family and Friends of Our Savior Lutheran, Advent blessing! There are just two short weeks until our celebration of Christmas, the mysterious way that God entered our world as a human being so long ago. This Advent season we wait with hope in ways we never have before for God to again …
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Dec 05
In Home Worship – Sunday, December 6, 2020 – Second Sunday of Advent
Dear Our Savior Family and Friends of Our Savior Lutheran, We are quickly losing daylight as our days grow shorter and shorter. This is a sure sign that the year 2020 is drawing to a close. And we have already begun the new church year with the season of Advent. Here is the worship video …
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Nov 28
In Home Worship – Sunday, November 29, 2020 – First Sunday of Advent
Dear Our Savior Family and Friends, With this worship video for Sunday, we are entering Advent and the beginning of a new Church year. This Sunday we lift up Bible readings that call for God to enter our lives and act in decisive ways to make our future better, an apt message for our times. …
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Nov 21
In Home Worship – Sunday, November 22, 2020 – Christ the King Sunday
Dear Our Savior Family and Friends, With Corona-19 infections on the rise, it looks like our need to “Stay Home—Stay Safe” will continue deep into 2021. So we are going to have to continue to worship in some sort of “virtual” way. The church calendar tells us that we are close to the end of …
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Nov 07
In Home Worship – Sunday, November 8, 2020 – Twenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost
Dear Our Savior Family and Friends, A lot has happened in our lives since last Sunday. The all-important elections for national and state office have been held. On our church calendar, we move from remembering the Saints of our lives, toward Thanksgiving and the beginning of a new year with Advent. This particular Sunday, we …
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Oct 31
In Home Worship – Sunday, November 1, 2020 – All Saints Sunday
Dear Our Savior Family and Friends, All Saints Day, November 1st, holds a special place in the hearts of all Christians. On this day we hold up in our memory and prayers all the saints of the church, those who have been honored by the Church for lives of sacrifice and service, those in died …
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