Category: Worship

Featured Sermon: Naked Apostles

“Naked Apostles” sermon by Pastor Ryan Fletcher preached at OSLC on April 14, 2013 (Third Sunday of Easter). Biblical text: John 21:1-19. Theme: vulnerability, listening for God’s Word, slowing down.

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Featured Sermon: Doubt & Faith in a Crucified Lord

“Doubt & Faith in a Crucified Lord” sermon by Rev. Richard Christensen preached at OSLC on April 7, 2013 (Second Sunday of Easter). Biblical text: John 20:19-31. Theme: doubt, faith, suffering, death, new life.

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Worship & Music at OSLC

During the school year, worship services are held at 8:30 and 11:00 am, each Sunday morning, with educational classes taking place in between (9:45-10:45 AM, PreK through Adult). During the summer months (June 10th through September 2nd), we have one worship service each Sunday at 9:30 am. We also hold Midweek Community Campfires (mid-July through August) on Wednesdays at 6:30 PM. …

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Featured Sermon – From Ashes to Easter Lilies (Easter Sunday)

“From Ashes to Easter Lilies” sermon by Pastor Ryan Fletcher preached at OSLC on March 31, 2013 (Easter Sunday). Biblical texts: Isa 65:17-25; Luke 24:1-12. Theme: resurrection, new life, victory over death.

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Featured Sermon – Come Let Us Eat (Holy Thursday)

“Come Let Us Eat” sermon by Pastor Ryan Fletcher preached at OSLC on March 28, 2013 (Holy Thursday). Biblical texts: 1Cor 11:23-26; John 13:1-17, 31b-35. Theme: Holy Communion, ancient story, Holy Week, love.

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Featured Sermon – Who Do You Say that I Am? Political Advocate

Midweek Lenten message by Rev. Paul Benz of Faith Action Network ( Our theme at OSLC this Lenten Season is taken from Jesus’ words in Luke 20:9 when he asks his disciples, “Who do you say that I am?” Each Wednesday evening in Lent (Feb. 20 – March 20), we receive the voice of a guest preacher helping us engage Jesus’ question.

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Featured Sermon – God Speaks to Suffering

“God Speaks to Suffering” sermon by Pastor Ryan Fletcher preached at OSLC on March 3, 2013 (Third Sunday in Lent). Biblical texts: 1 Corinthians 10:1-13, Luke 13:1-9. Theme: suffering, justice, theodicy, redemption, sin.

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Children’s Song for Palm Sunday (March 24)

During the worship services on Palm Sunday (March 24th, 8:30 & 11:00 AM), all children are invited to join in singing with the OSLC Chancel Choir. At both services, they will be invited to come forward and join in. In preparation, families simply need to sing this song, “Lift Up Your Heads,” through until their children have memorized it. The song is very simple and will be easy for any child to learn.

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Featured Sermon – God, the Baker of Pies

Midweek Lenten message by Rev. Mary Lindberg of the Compass Housing Alliance in Pioneer Square. Our theme at OSLC this Lenten Season is taken from Jesus’ words in Luke 20:9 when he asks his disciples, “Who do you say that I am?” Each Wednesday evening in Lent (Feb. 20 – March 20), we receive the voice of a guest preacher helping us engage Jesus’ question.

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Featured Sermon – Who does Jesus say He is?

Midweek Lenten message by Dr. Mark Miller. Our theme at OSLC this Lenten Season is taken from Jesus’ words in Luke 20:9 when he asks his disciples, “Who do you say that I am?” Each Wednesday evening in Lent (Feb. 20 – March 20), we receive the voice of a guest preacher helping us engage Jesus’ question.

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