Fellowship Events

OSLC Cottage Meetings

The Call Committee is scheduling Cottage Meetings as an opportunity for fellowship and socializing with our new pastors. They want to meet you! The goal is that every person who attends OSLC will have an opportunity to attend one Cottage Meeting.

We need HOSTS and GUESTS!

HOSTS: We are looking for people of the church who would be willing to offer their homes as a one-time meeting place to “host” a small cottage meeting in the coming weeks and months. When we say “host”, we don’t expect the Host to do a lot of work or go through much bother. Being a “Host” does not mean “doing all the work”! The options for a gathering vary: potluck, breakfast, brunch, coffee break, lunch, teatime, snacks, dinner, or just desserts! You get to set the limit for the number of people you are comfortable “hosting”. You don’t need to live in Issaquah – we need hosts in the surrounding areas as well.

If you are willing to offer your home, or even just considering it, please contact LaRue via phone or text at 425-442-4639, or stop by the sign-up table in the narthex right after worship on Sundays and give her your name and number. LaRue will work with you to establish a date and time of day that works best for you. We’re especially looking for one more host for the end of May.

GUESTS: Please peruse the sign-up sheets in LaRue’s care ASAP to find an available Cottage Meeting that will work for you and your schedule. The Hosts are generously offering their homes as a meeting place…let’s show them our appreciation and enthusiasm by signing up in a timely fashion to attend the Cottage Meetings they are offering!

Permanent link to this article: https://oslcissaquah.org/fellowship-events/