Did you know that our denominational body, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, has a rapid disaster response division that enables us to give generously when crises emerge around the world? One of the most powerful storms ever recorded, Super Typhoon Haiyan, crashed across the central islands of the Philippines…
Tag: global mission
Permanent link to this article: https://oslcissaquah.org/2013/11/19/responding-to-typhoon-haiyan/
Sep 17
OSLC Joins the Lutheran Malaria Initiative!
Led by the Global Missions team, OSLC has officially joined the Lutheran Malaria Initiative and is now partnering with Lutheran World Relief on this important project. The goal is to eradicate malaria in Africa by 2015, and it is your participation that will help us get there. Check out this introductory video to learn about the Lutheran Malaria Initiative and join us in giving generously, today. All gifts given with a note or designation indicating “malaria” will go to this cause.
Permanent link to this article: https://oslcissaquah.org/2012/09/17/oslc-joins-the-lutheran-malaria-initiative/
Mar 15
LWR School Kits Project
Each Sunday in Lent this year (February 26 through March 28), there will be a table in the narthex inviting the congregation to participate in our School Kits Project that the Sunday School kids and families are doing through Lutheran World Relief. Everyone is invited to learn about the kits and take a bag home …
Permanent link to this article: https://oslcissaquah.org/2012/03/15/lwr-school-kits-project/
Mar 03
The Focus – March 2012
Permanent link to this article: https://oslcissaquah.org/2012/03/03/the-focus-march-2012/
Feb 23
Special Presentation on the Church in China, March 4
On March 4th from 9:45-10:45 AM, three members of the congregation who recently traveled to the Sichuan province of China will share about their experiences. During their visit, they were received by multiple Chinese churches and learned about these vibrant faith communities. Come journey through them and discover what God is up to around the …
Permanent link to this article: https://oslcissaquah.org/2012/02/23/special-presentation-on-the-church-in-china/
Feb 23
Lenten Midweek Series: Being Church in Mission
Join us this Lenten Season for a special midweek series that explores what it means to be the Church in the Pacific Northwest and beyond. We gather each Wednesday at 7 PM for a simple evening worship. The series takes place during these worship services. There is a free meal beforehand starting at 5:30 PM. …
Permanent link to this article: https://oslcissaquah.org/2012/02/23/lenten-midweek-series-being-church-in-mission/
Dec 17
OSLC Christmas Offering
Each year during the Christmas season at OSLC, we lift up our many blessings and give thanks by sharing the good gifts we receive with others. This year, our special Christmas offering goes to support the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America’s Malaria Campaign. This campaign is dedicated to ending the threat of malaria to communities …
Permanent link to this article: https://oslcissaquah.org/2011/12/17/oslc-christmas-offering/
Oct 20
Peru Mission Team Sunday, Oct. 23rd
Join us for worship this Sunday, October 23rd, as members of our Peru Mission Team return and share their experiences with us. Our relationship with our sister churches in Peru will be in focus at our 11 AM worship service. Three of the four members of our team will take part in the proclamation of …
Permanent link to this article: https://oslcissaquah.org/2011/10/20/peru-mission-team-sunday-oct-23rd/