7:00 pm Worship
Tonight’s 7:00 pm Ash Wednesday service was livestreamed. Click the link above to watch the recording.
Today Pr. Olaf was the Presiding Minister, and Pr. Kristin-Luana was the Preacher. Here was Pr. Kristin-Luana’s “Sermon News”:
Sermon News for Ash Wednesday at 12 & 7 p.m.: Valentine’s Day with a Cross of Ashes, John 13:34-35
My sermon in a nutshell: As you are mortal and your time on this earth will come to an end, focus on love. There is nothing more important you could accomplish. You cannot take your riches with you into the afterlife, nor your successes, your fame, your possessions, all these will cease to exist. Love, however, will remain! God is love, and when we enter into eternity, we shall be with God, completely, and love is all there will be!
– Pr. Kristin-Luana