OSLC 2013 Advent Devotional

Each year at OSLC, we create an Advent devotional. This family-friendly resource is given out as the cover of our worship folder each week in Advent. The interior portion is designed for use with children and youth, and the back page has a devotional offering geared towards adults. In 2013, we focus on the first chapter of the Gospel of John discovering the ways that in Jesus God gives us the gifts of life, light, belonging and grace.

Permanent link to this article: https://oslcissaquah.org/2013/12/11/oslc-2013-advent-devotional/

Welcome, All Wonders, Dec. 15, 4 PM

On Sunday, December 15th at 4 PM, OSLC will hold a special Family Christmas event, Welcome, All Wonders. This event features singing of carols of the season and anthems by musicians of Our Savior Lutheran Church. During the fellowship time to follow, a gift will be given to all children and youth in attendance. All are welcome at this free event. We hope you make plans to come and consider invite neighbors or friends.

Permanent link to this article: https://oslcissaquah.org/2013/12/10/welcome-all-wonders-dec-15-4-pm/

Children’s Christmas Program Dec. 15

On Sunday, December 15, 2013 during the 11 AM worship service, the children and youth of OSLC will help lead the telling of the Christmas story through word and song. All children and youth are invited to participate. Simply come to Sunday School on December 8 and 15 (9:45-10:45 AM).
To practice the songs for the program, families can sing along online or download them using the following links:

Permanent link to this article: https://oslcissaquah.org/2013/12/08/childrens-christmas-program-dec-15/

Christmas Eve Worship (7, 9 & 11 PM)

Join us in celebrating the birth of our Savior this Christmas Eve! With anticipation and great joy, we come together for worship. All are welcome.
December 24:
7:00 & 9:00 PM Candlelight Service of Lessons and Carols
11:00 PM Candlelight Service of Lessons and Carols with Communion

Permanent link to this article: https://oslcissaquah.org/2013/12/03/christmas-eve-worship-at-oslc/

The Focus Newsletter – December 2013

The December 2013 edition of The Focus newsletter is now available online. To go to the newsletter now, click on this link: The Focus – December 2013. For archived issues of The Focus, see the menu under the “News & Events” tab.

Permanent link to this article: https://oslcissaquah.org/2013/12/03/the-focus-newsletter-december-2013/

The Focus Newsletter – November 2013

The November 2013 edition of The Focus newsletter is now available online. To go to the newsletter now, click on this link: The Focus – November 2013. For archived issues of The Focus, see the menu under the “News & Events” tab.

Permanent link to this article: https://oslcissaquah.org/2013/11/19/the-focus-newsletter-november-2013/

Responding to US Tornados

Hundreds of homes are damaged or destroyed as tornadoes ripped through Oklahoma, Kansas, Texas, Illinois and Iowa. As strong winds and warm fronts continue to move across the nation, the threat for future tornado outbreaks is looming. Lutheran Disaster Response affiliates are already on the ground, assessing the immediate and long-term needs of those affected by the tornadoes. Your gifts are needed..

Permanent link to this article: https://oslcissaquah.org/2013/11/19/responding-to-us-tornados/

Responding to Typhoon Haiyan

Did you know that our denominational body, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, has a rapid disaster response division that enables us to give generously when crises emerge around the world? One of the most powerful storms ever recorded, Super Typhoon Haiyan, crashed across the central islands of the Philippines…

Permanent link to this article: https://oslcissaquah.org/2013/11/19/responding-to-typhoon-haiyan/

Youth Event: Christmas Party Dec. 11

On December 11, 2013 from 7:00 to 8:30 PM, OSLC will host our annual Christmas Party for all Middle School and High School youth. We will have food, games, and a white elephant gift exchange. All you need to bring is yourself and a gift for the exchange…

Permanent link to this article: https://oslcissaquah.org/2013/11/19/youth-event-christmas-party-on-dec-11/

The Focus Newsletter – October 2013

The October 2013 Edition of The Focus newsletter is now available online. To go to the newsletter now, click on this link: The Focus – October 2013. For archived issues of The Focus, see the menu under the “News & Events” tab.

Permanent link to this article: https://oslcissaquah.org/2013/10/16/the-focus-newsletter-october-2013/