Category: Uncategorized

The Focus Newsletter – September 2014

The September 2014 edition of The Focus newsletter is now available online. To go to the newsletter now, click on this link: Focus Newsletter – September 2014. For archived issues of The Focus, see the menu under the “News & Events” tab.

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Check Out the Synod Assembly 2014

The annual assembly of the Northwest Washington Synod of our Lutheran church (the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America) just took place in Everett on May 16-17, 2014. The theme was Joining God’s Parade…

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David & Goliath: Who is the Bully?

Check out the 2014 OSLC Sunday School Play, David & Goliath: Who is the Bully? Each year our Grades 1-3 Sunday School classes take several months to write a play together. Under the guidance of their teachers (Cheryl Hauser & Kristina Steffen), they select a biblical story and connect it to themes from their own lives. Watch the video, and feel free to share it with friends!

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Easter & Holy Week at OSLC

Come join us for Holy Week and Easter Morning worship at OSLC. From Palm Sunday on April 13 to the celebration of the Resurrection of Our Lord on April 20, the journey through Holy Week is both ancient and powerful. The most central story of our Christian faith is told through this week, and it is told through our participation together. Here are some details…

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ELCA Churchwide Assembly

The annual churchwide meeting of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) is taking place from August 12-17, 2013. Among the decisions to be made is the election of a new Presiding Bishop to lead the ELCA. Check out all the news and catch the live video stream at

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New Member Orientation, October 9th, 9:45 AM

This informal event is for those persons who are interested in learning more about the life of this congregation and how they may formally join us in mission and ministry. This is a great opportunity for getting better acquainted with others who have been a part of our worshipping community for a while and with …

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Like OSLC on Facebook!

Do you know about the OSLC Facebook Page? To connect with us on Facebook, simply go to and “like” us at the top of the page. Soon after, you should be receiving updates on events and opportunities for involvement at OSLC in your Facebook “news feed.” You can also simply visit the page whenever you choose to see what’s happening and connect with other friends of OSLC.

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