This year during the four Sundays of Advent (Dec. 2, 9, 16, 23) our worship at OSLC is focused on the theme: Surprised by Joy: Stories of New Birth. Each week, we listen closely to the story of a biblical family member from the first chapter of the Gospel of Luke. From Zechariah, Elizabeth, Mary, and …
Tag: education
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Oct 30
Kids’ Bible Presentation Sunday, November 11, 2012
When individuals join the Church through the waters of baptism, the faith community makes a commitment to place the Holy Scriptures in their hands and pass on faith in Jesus. At OSLC, we fulfill one piece of this promise by taking time to recognize our 2nd Graders and give them the gift of a Bible. …
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Sep 17
OSLC Joins the Lutheran Malaria Initiative!
Led by the Global Missions team, OSLC has officially joined the Lutheran Malaria Initiative and is now partnering with Lutheran World Relief on this important project. The goal is to eradicate malaria in Africa by 2015, and it is your participation that will help us get there. Check out this introductory video to learn about the Lutheran Malaria Initiative and join us in giving generously, today. All gifts given with a note or designation indicating “malaria” will go to this cause.
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Sep 04
New Beginnings Sunday, Sept. 9, 2012
Join us for New Beginnings Sunday on September 9, 2012. During our worship services (8:30 & 11:00 AM) and our education hour (9:45-10:45 AM), we will be celebrating the good gift of education in our lives. Just as school begins again in the wider community, Sunday School and many of our educational ministries at OSLC …
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May 03
The Focus – May 2012
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Mar 15
LWR School Kits Project
Each Sunday in Lent this year (February 26 through March 28), there will be a table in the narthex inviting the congregation to participate in our School Kits Project that the Sunday School kids and families are doing through Lutheran World Relief. Everyone is invited to learn about the kits and take a bag home …
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Mar 03
OSLC Adult Education & Fellowship
Are you wanting to make connections with others interested in Christian spirituality, fellowship, and biblical study? OSLC has many opportunities for men and women of all ages. Here is a list of some of our active groups that you can get involved with: – Midlife Spirituality Group: While mid-life means different things to different people, our …
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Mar 03
Communion Education, March 18 & 25
During the education hour on Sunday, March 18 and Sunday, March 25, Pastor Fletcher will lead a Communion Education Class. It is designed for second graders and older kids who have not previously attended. This class should be attended by students and at least one parent (other family member are welcome). Whether they are actively …
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Dec 12
Byberg Preaching Workshop, Jan. 30 – Feb. 1
The Byberg Preaching Workshop is an annual event focused on developing the skills of ELCA preachers and friends. OSLC is pleased to host this year’s workshop, which will feature the Rev. Dr. Craig Satterlee (Professor of Homiletics and Dean of the D.Min. in Preaching program at the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago). For information …
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Oct 20
Bible Presentation for 2nd Graders, Nov. 13th
When individuals join the Church through the waters of baptism, the faith community makes a commitment to place the Holy Scriptures in their hands and pass on faith in Jesus. At OSLC, we fulfill one piece of this promise by taking time to recognize our 2nd Graders and give them the gift of a Bible. …
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