Each year at OSLC during the Season of Lent (begins on March 5 in 2014), everyone is invited to read a book together and engage in spiritual practices that enrich our lives individually and as a community. In 2014, our Lenten book is Simplifying the Soul, Lenten Practices to Renew Your Spirit (by Paula Huston). Huston is a Benedictine oblate who writes this book as an invitation for readers to declutter their minds, hearts, relationships and souls by trying out specific practices during the days of the Lenten season…
Category: Education
Permanent link to this article: https://oslcissaquah.org/2014/03/05/book-for-lent-simplifying-the-soul/
Jan 15
Survey for Families with Young Children
The Christian Education committee is administering this survey of young families as part of our efforts to further OSLC’s mission to nurture faith and partner with families. We are looking for insights that will help us evaluate particular ministries (like Sunday School and Early Childhood Education) and that will inform our overall understanding of how we engage families.
Permanent link to this article: https://oslcissaquah.org/2014/01/15/survey-for-families-with-young-children/
Dec 13
Family Series on Financial Sanity, Jan. 8, 15, 22 & 29
Join us for Financial Sanity an important four week series in January (Jan. 8, 15, 22 & 29 from 6:00-7:30 PM) that will help you talk about money with your kids and infuse faith into all the ways they share, save, and spend. Each week, a free meal is provided, and an excellent participant workbook will add depth to your engagement. All children and youth who are age 7 or older or encouraged to participate. Childcare is available for the younger ones.
Permanent link to this article: https://oslcissaquah.org/2013/12/13/family-series-on-financial-sanity-jan-8-15-22-29/
Dec 11
OSLC 2013 Advent Devotional
Each year at OSLC, we create an Advent devotional. This family-friendly resource is given out as the cover of our worship folder each week in Advent. The interior portion is designed for use with children and youth, and the back page has a devotional offering geared towards adults. In 2013, we focus on the first chapter of the Gospel of John discovering the ways that in Jesus God gives us the gifts of life, light, belonging and grace.
Permanent link to this article: https://oslcissaquah.org/2013/12/11/oslc-2013-advent-devotional/
Feb 15
Read with OSLC in Lent
On Sunday, February 17th at 9:45 a.m. Pastor Thomas begins a new adult Sunday morning class. Based on the book Fresh Air: The Holy Spirit for an Inspired Life, by Jack Levison, Professor of New Testament Studies at Seattle Pacific University, this class will be an exploration of the Holy Spirit in Holy Scripture.
Permanent link to this article: https://oslcissaquah.org/2013/02/15/read-with-oslc-in-lent/
Dec 03
Download OSLC’s Advent Devotional
This year during the four Sundays of Advent (Dec. 2, 9, 16, 23) our worship at OSLC is focused on the theme: Surprised by Joy: Stories of New Birth. Each week, we listen closely to the story of a biblical family member from the first chapter of the Gospel of Luke. From Zechariah, Elizabeth, Mary, and …
Permanent link to this article: https://oslcissaquah.org/2012/12/03/download-oslcs-advent-devotional/
Oct 30
Kids’ Bible Presentation Sunday, November 11, 2012
When individuals join the Church through the waters of baptism, the faith community makes a commitment to place the Holy Scriptures in their hands and pass on faith in Jesus. At OSLC, we fulfill one piece of this promise by taking time to recognize our 2nd Graders and give them the gift of a Bible. …
Permanent link to this article: https://oslcissaquah.org/2012/10/30/kids-bible-presentation-sunday-november-11-2012/
Sep 17
OSLC Joins the Lutheran Malaria Initiative!
Led by the Global Missions team, OSLC has officially joined the Lutheran Malaria Initiative and is now partnering with Lutheran World Relief on this important project. The goal is to eradicate malaria in Africa by 2015, and it is your participation that will help us get there. Check out this introductory video to learn about the Lutheran Malaria Initiative and join us in giving generously, today. All gifts given with a note or designation indicating “malaria” will go to this cause.
Permanent link to this article: https://oslcissaquah.org/2012/09/17/oslc-joins-the-lutheran-malaria-initiative/
Sep 04
New Beginnings Sunday, Sept. 9, 2012
Join us for New Beginnings Sunday on September 9, 2012. During our worship services (8:30 & 11:00 AM) and our education hour (9:45-10:45 AM), we will be celebrating the good gift of education in our lives. Just as school begins again in the wider community, Sunday School and many of our educational ministries at OSLC …
Permanent link to this article: https://oslcissaquah.org/2012/09/04/new-beginnings-sunday-sept-9-2012/
Sep 04
Sunday School!
Whether or not you participated in Sunday School as a child or have made a habit of it with your children, you are encouraged to consider the value of time spent in nurturing the faith of your child or youth. At OSLC, our model for growing lives of faith is oriented towards families. We see our community, not simply as a collection of individuals, but as a beautiful web of families that are interconnected by their relationships with one another and with Jesus Christ at our center.
Permanent link to this article: https://oslcissaquah.org/2012/09/04/sunday-school-begins/